507 South Oregon Street downtown building in El Paso, Texas
The 507 South Oregon Building is located in downtown El Paso and offers 1,200 square feet of retail space. This building is located in the prime location of downtown El Paso near the Paso Del Norte Bridge. The Paso Del Norte Bridge allows milllions of people to cross into the United States every year and shop at local retailers. The El Encanto is a perfect location for a variety of retailers. |
Downtown Building
507 South Oregon Street
El Paso, Texas
- Building Specifications:
- Building is 1,200 square feet
- Perfect location for a variety of retailers
- All utilities available at site with tenant paying all utility costs, taxes and insurance
- Signage available on the front of the Building
- Close to Paso Del Norte Port of Entry into US (Approximately 6,000,000 + border crossers annually)
- Sales activity generated by pedestrians who cross into El Paso from Mexico to shop at local retailers
- One block from New El Paso Sun Metro terminal Mall
- Near El Paso Convention and Visitor's Bureau and City Hall
Industrial, retail, medical, office space, hotels and land for lease in El Paso, Texas